NCCM Design Element


Value-Add Nonwoven Rolls

Perspective view of the NCCM<sup>®</sup> NT nonwoven roll on a metal shaft

The low-pressure alternative—excels in wringer, feeder and vacuum applications


NCCM® NT is a competitively-priced nonwoven roll meant for low-pressure pinch/feed, wringer, and transport applications. Due to its nonwoven nature, the NCCM® NT possesses high porosity; as a vacuum roll, this feature allows for absorption of fluid and excellent drying. Connect with an NCCM representative to get started and find your VAR (value-added reseller).

Perspective view of an NCCM<sup>®</sup> NT nonwoven roll on a metal shaft
Product Positioning

Cost competitive LOW-PRESSURE feeder or wringer ALTERNATIVE Roll for special VACUUM applications

Technical Specs

NCCM<sup>®</sup> NT chart outlining densities, temperatures, sizes, pressures and other specifications


Chart listing the features and benefits of the NCCM<sup>®</sup> NT nonwoven roll
Chart listing various applications, such as pinch/feed and vaccum, in which the NCCM<sup>®</sup> NT operates at a high level

Process Lines

Chart showing primary metals lines in which NCCM<sup>®</sup> NT nonwoven rolls can operate

NCCM Design Element

Technical Know-How

When put under pressure, NCCM® products compress and form an area of concentrated pressure called the nip. The rolls then decompress to allow for increased fluid control as the decompression pulls excess liquid from the strip's surface.

Diagram showing the compressibility of an NCCM<sup>®</sup> NT nonwoven roll versus that of a rubber roll

When using NCCM® Premier Yellow nonwoven blank washing rolls for precision fluid control, consider using the cost-competitive NCCM® NT nonwoven feeder roll. The NCCM® NT is an excellent long-life alternative to urethane/PUR pinch rolls, and they complete the NCCM one-stop-shop solution package for automotive blank washing systems. Begin custom engineering your system to specific requirements to ensure successful blank washing by reaching out to an NCCM representative to find your VAR (value-added reseller).

Diagram showing a metal strip running through NCCM<sup>®</sup> NT nonwoven feeder rolls, brush rolls and NCCM<sup>®</sup> Premier Yellow nonwoven blank washing rolls

NCCM Design Element